Friday, April 20, 2012

The Indie Problem

So I'm reading up on Fez finally being released after 5 years in development and Phil Fish's harsh words towards Japanese gaming. What makes me wonder is that Fez does not really seem to stand out among other independent titles like it really. Nothing strange to mainstream titles, which now makes me beg the question of whether independent games are becoming guilty of the same crimes that most accuse bigger budget titles of.

Now, don't get me wrong. I support the effort of smaller developers that stand apart from the AAA club of game development. More variety (or over-saturation, depending how you look at it) doesn't always hurt, yet many indie games sometimes seem to get this free pass from players just for the fact that's it's "alternative" or "artsy" even though many are cut from the same mold at the end of the day. Whether it's regurgitating endless waves of zombies or spewing internet references, there really is no difference. One side leans more on shooting things in dark subdued realism while the other would prefer to run around in an M.C Esher-esque staircase labyrinth.

The main draw to Fez seems to be the controversy behind it and the long time it took to emerge. Hmmm....Kinda sounds like that other game that took Forever to be made. Again. What is the difference?

Sunday, April 08, 2012

On the ground

So I was watching a new video uploaded to YouTube on one of my most favorite obscure fighting games, Daraku Tenshi, otherwise known as The Fallen Angels. It's a very different kind of 2D fighter not only for its time of release in 1998, but even still very much not like most fighters today. The focus of the video is to highlight a recent discovery about the game. Certain attacks that hit downed opponents for additional damage, another feature more common among 3D fighting games.

What strikes me about this that most of the attacks that hit on the floor look like they would be used to hit someone prone, even though not completely intentional within game mechanics. Perhaps one of those unknown mysteries of this cult (and unfinished) title of whether this was planned from the outset or a case of digital serendipity.

I may write more on this game later on. For now, here's some video of the game in action. Enjoy!

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